Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft


Frauke Domgörgen

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Frauke Domgörgen

Research Fellow | PhD Candidate, Department for Science Studies


Heussallee 18-24

53113 Bonn

Research interests: science communication of science research, (collective) identity forming, research on extremism. 

Frauke Domgörgen studied Social Sciences (B.Sc.) and Political Sciences (MA) at the University of Cologne. In her MA Thesis she addressed the climate movement Fridays for Future and examined the unequal systemic conditions for women in Sweden and Germany to participate in the protest for climate. After her graduation Frauke Domgörgen started as a scientific advisor at the German Development Institute (DIE). Since 2022 she is working as a PhD and research assistant in the VW-project "Rhine-Ruhr Center for Science Communication Research (RRC)" on science communication of science research1 (Prof. Dr. David Kaldewey2).

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