Berit Stoppa
Since October 2017, Ms. Berit Stoppa is conducting research in the field of Sociocultural Diversity and Diversity Management at Higher Education Institutions at the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, Department of Science Studies. Her research focusses on the concept of sociocultural diversity as a basis for strategic diversity management at higher education institutions in an international approach. She has been awarded with a nine months scholarship by the German Academic Exchange Service (til June 2018). Since March 2018 she is working on her PhD project on "Diversity Management vs. Diversity Practices - The Managing of sociocultural diversity at Ghanaian Universites" (doctoral advisor: Prof. David Kaldewey) and has taken over the scientific management of the FIW from January 2019 to February 2020.
After having worked as a DAAD lecturer in Benin for 1,5 years, Ms. Stoppa has been the Director of the DAAD Information Center Accra, Ghana, from 2014 to July 2017. In both countries she has taught German Linguistics and German as a Foreign Language at local universities. She advised students, scientists and university representatives in regard of the German Higher Education and Research Landscape, initiated and supported several cooperation projects between German and Ghanaian Universities and organized numerous academic events such as conferences, forums and workshops.
Berit Stoppa graduated from the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich in German and English Linguistics and Cultural Anthropology. Since 2015 she has received several certificates in Higher Education Management at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg.
Research focus: Diversity in Higher Education, Diversity Management, Ghanaian/African Higher Education Institutions