Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft



  • What do the boats symbolize? Rationales and motivations for supporting search and rescue NGOs on the high seas. Conference "Human Rights in Migration Societies. Exploring the Intersection of Human Rights and Migration in Law, Politics, and Everyday Life", 19/09/2024, Gießen (together with Lena Laube)
  • Navigating grey areas: The role of autonomous technologies in avoiding legal responsibility and preventing maritime migration to the EU. EASST-4S Conference “Making and Doing Transformations", 16/07/2024, Amsterdam (together with Paul F. Langer)
  • Search and rescue in the Mediterranean and the struggle over European democracy. 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference “Migration and inequalities. In search of answers and solutions”, 3.-6. Juli, Warsaw & online (together with Lena Laube)

  • Search and rescue in the Mediterranean and the struggle over the reception of refugees in the EU. Joint conference of the Sections “Sociology of Europe” and “Migration and Ethnic Minorities” of the German Sociological Association (DGS) "Comparing Recent and Older Refugee Migration in and to Europe – Sociological Perspectives", 03/032023, Bamberg (together with Lena Laube)

  • Mediterranean “Border Assemblage”: From Opposition to Interdependencies. CES Conference, Panel "Migrant rights activism andlegal support: contestation or conformation?", 29/07/2022, Lisbon (together with Mareike Gebhardt and Lena Laube)

  • An den Grenzen von Citizenship. Fluchtmigration, politische Subjektivität und Zivilgesellschaft. Lecture series „Citizenship inthe 21. Century“ at the Institute for European Global Studies, 03/11/2021, Basel

  • Autonomy of Migration at its Limits? Conceptual Considerations based on Evolving European border practices. STS-MIGTEC Paper Workshop, 26/01/2021, online

  • Refugees‘ Doing Citizenship: Negotiation Processes at the Local Scale. Conference "Refuge Europe – A Question of Solidarity?“, 02/10/2019, Chemnitz

  • Selbst schuld? Vom Marktausschluss zu Ansätzen für eine sozialpolitisch inklusive Verbraucherpolitik. 4th Workshop "Verbraucherforschung – Armutskonsum-Reichtumskonsum“, 01/07/2019, Düsseldorf (together with Katharina Witterhold)

  • Digitalisierung von Verbraucherbildung: Impulse aus der Fluchtforschung. Workshop "Digitaler Konsum" at "Wirtschaftsinformatik 2019", 24/02/2019, Siegen (together with Katharina Witterhold)

  • Zwischen Verbraucher- und Asylpolitik: Verbraucherakkulturation von Geflüchteten in Deutschland. 2nd Conference "Flüchtlingsforschung", 05/10/2018, Eichstätt (together with Katharina Witterhold)

  • Refugees as Consumers. Between Marginalization and Participation. IPSA Convention, 14/07/2018, Brisbane (together with Katharina Witterhold)

  • Geflüchtete als Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten. Zwischen Selbsthilfe und Teilhabe. SOWIS lecture series at the University of Siegen, 22/11/2017, Siegen

  • Refugees' Self Organisation and Media Use. Confrence "Lesbos Dialogues - Technology and the Refugee Crisis" at the University of Agder together with the municipality of Lesbos, 10/11/2017, Mytilini

  • Flüchtlingspolitik als Katalysator „konstitutioneller Momente“ in der staatlichen Ordnung in der EU. Conference „Flucht, Transit und Asyl“ of Friedrich Ebert Foundation in cooperation with the Institute for Political Science and Sociology at the University of Bonn, 22/09/2016, Bonn. (together with Maximilian Mayer)

  • With Facebook through the Balkans. Social Media and the Autonomy of Migration. EASST/4S Convention, 02/09/2016, Barcelona

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