Event organization
- 10. DAAD Summer University: "Aushandlungsprozesse über Flucht und Migration weltweit: Fallbeispiele und aktuelle Debatten1", Juli 2024 (academic lead: Lena Laube)
- Panel "African-European Perspectives on Migration: Advancing the Field through Transdisciplinarity", International Days2, October 2023, University of Bonn (with Birgit Ulrike Münch, Mary Setrana and Maximilian Mayer)
Lecture Series "Perspektiven der Moderne. Konflikte um Grenzen und Mobilität"3, summer term 2023, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, University of Bonn (with Lena Laube, Sarah Spasiano and Doris Westhoff)
Panel "Mediatizing claim making, publics, and citizenship. On ambivalent technologies for migrants on the move", STS-MIGTEC & Processing Citizenship Workshop, March 2023, University of Bologna (with Silvan Pollozek and Olga Usachova)
Workshop "STS-MIGTEC & Processing Citizenship Workshop", March 2023, University of Bologna (with the organizing team)
Panel "Von Integration zu Teilhabe? Empirische Annäherungen aus (sozial-)räumlichen Perspektiven", 4. Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies, September 2022, TU Chemnitz (with Hanne Schneider)
Workshop "STS MIGTEC Paper Workshop", February 2022, online (with the organizing team)
Retreat "STS MIGTEC Reading and Writing Retreat", September 2021, online (with the organizing team)
International Conference "The Refugee Consumer. Paradoxes of Integration in Everyday Life4", December 2019, University of Siegen (with Sigrid Baringhorst and Katharina Witterhold)
- https://www.fiw.uni-bonn.de/medien/veranstaltungen/lehre/sommeruni/2024_10-daad-sommeruniversitaet_diversitaet_programm.pdf
- https://www.fiw.uni-bonn.de/www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/university-life/events/international-days/copy_of_international-days?set_language=en
- https://www.fiw.uni-bonn.de/de/perspektiven-der-moderne
- https://www.uni-siegen.de/presse/relaunch/terminkalender/2018/the-refugee-consumer_flyer.pdf