Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft

Event organization

  • Panel "African-European Perspectives on Migration: Advancing the Field through Transdisciplinarity", International Days2, October 2023, University of Bonn (with Birgit Ulrike Münch, Mary Setrana and Maximilian Mayer)
  • Lecture Series "Perspektiven der Moderne. Konflikte um Grenzen und Mobilität"3, summer term 2023, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, University of Bonn (with Lena Laube, Sarah Spasiano and Doris Westhoff)

  • Panel "Mediatizing claim making, publics, and citizenship. On ambivalent technologies for migrants on the move", STS-MIGTEC & Processing Citizenship Workshop, March 2023, University of Bologna (with Silvan Pollozek and Olga Usachova)

  • Workshop "STS-MIGTEC & Processing Citizenship Workshop", March 2023, University of Bologna (with the organizing team)

  • Panel "Von Integration zu Teilhabe? Empirische Annäherungen aus (sozial-)räumlichen Perspektiven", 4. Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies, September 2022, TU Chemnitz (with Hanne Schneider)

  • Workshop "STS MIGTEC Paper Workshop", February 2022, online (with the organizing team)

  • Retreat "STS MIGTEC Reading and Writing Retreat", September 2021, online (with the organizing team)

  • International Conference "The Refugee Consumer. Paradoxes of Integration in Everyday Life4", December 2019, University of Siegen (with Sigrid Baringhorst and Katharina Witterhold)

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