Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft


Dr. des. Maria Ullrich

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Dr. des. Maria Ullrich

Associate Fellow, Department for Comparative Research on Democracies

Raum 1.102

Heussallee 18-24

53113 Bonn

Maria Ullrich is a social scientist and her research focuses on citizenship, migration, and borders in contemporary Europe. She is Postdoc Fellow in the research group "ZivDem1" based at FIW and the University of Münster, which analyzes the involvement of civil society actors in the Mediterranean border regime, and co-leads the research project "Reflexivity in Forcer Migration Studies2".

Maria Ullrich studied European Studies and Political Science at the Universities of Passau, Bonn, and Naples. After graduating in 2016, she first worked as a research assistant at the Center for Development Research in Bonn and from 2017 to 2020 as a research fellow at the University of Siegen in teaching and research. She wrote her doctoral thesis (in German) at the University of Siegen on "Participation of Refugees. Civil Society Negotiations in the German Reception Context".


Research Focus
Migration and Border Studies | Citizenship Studies | Ethnographic Methods

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