Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft


Curriculum Vitae

Academic appointments

B.A degree in sociology

University of Gondar, Ethiopia


Assistant lecturer in sociology

Department of sociology, Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia


M.A degree in health and well-being/medical sociology
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia


Lecturer in medical sociology

Department of sociology, Woliatta Sodo University

Teaching and supervisory roles

Head of department of sociology at Mizan-Tepi University

Responsible for leading, managing and delivering sociology curriculum: teaching and learning, research, and community services projects in the department.


Head of department of sociology at Wolaitta Sodo University

Responsible for leading, managing and delivering sociology curriculum: teaching- learning, research, and community services projects in the department.


Dean of College of Social Science and Humanities (CSSH), Wolaitta Sodo University

In charge of leading and coordinating the college activities
Leading the college in areas of teaching and learning, problem-solving research, and community service projects

Teaching and thesis examiner at Jimma and Haramaya Universities
Courses delivered: Research methods, sociological theories etc.


  • Medicines, ethics, and the law: the practice of Pharmacy in Ethiopia. Academic presentation at faculty of Law, University of Groningen, Netherlands, September 2019
  • Reverse innovation: learning from low-income countries, reflections, and views. Oral presentation at University of Ouaga II, Burkina Faso, March 2018
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