Leonie C. Geiger
Leonie C. Geiger
Leonie C. Geiger pursued her undergraduate studies at the University of Hamburg, majoring in the Study of Religion and minoring in History, Languages, and Cultures of the Middle East with a focus on Turkology. Her bachelor's thesis was titled "Synergy or Antagonism? Study of Religion and Critique of Religion – an exploration of their relationship using the example of the book 'Letter to the Hypocrites and how they play into the hands of racists' by Charb." She completed the Research Master program "Theology and Religious Studies" at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the Netherlands, with a focus on Religion, Conflict, and Globalization. Her thesis delved into Secularity, Gender, and Development – examining perceptions and challenges related to gender intertwined with religion in collaborations between Brot für die Welt and MISEREOR with organizations in the Global South.
Leonie C. Geiger was a scholarship recipient of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and holds a doctoral scholarship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk.
Research Interests:
- Religion and Everyday Theory
- Secularity Theory and Non-Religion
- School and Religion
- Religion and Adolescence
- Religion, Gender, and Intersectionality
- Development Cooperation and Religion
- Teaching of the Study of Religion
- https://www.fiw.uni-bonn.de/en/research/religion-studies/team/leonie-c-geiger/phd-project
- https://www.fiw.uni-bonn.de/en/research/religion-studies/team/leonie-c-geiger/publications