Partnerships for transformative science
Given the central founding impulse and the special function of the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, the department was also the Forum's Unit for Strategic Partnerships from 2013 to 2019. The academic head of department, Prof. Dr Bettina Schlüter, executive manager Björn Müller-Bohlen and their team as well as non-university partners have tapped into special networking potential in the region. They designed and implemented diverse cooperation and event formats at the intersection of science, civil society, and politics. The focus was on discourses and cultural, media, social and global transformation processes.
Selected projects and formats:
Barcamps, event series, lecture performances, summer schools, panel discussions, workshops, video productions, conversation events and contributions to exhibitions
Event series
As occasions for in-depth discussions, the numerous events were not only tools of contemporary science communication and local networking. At the same time, the event series were also the product of intensive topic-related cooperation between the partners and their experts.
For several years, the series "Die Welt im Wandel" was a well-established constant in the regional, science-related event landscape. With this series, the FIW's Unit for Strategic Partnerships, alongside the DW Akademie, the GIZ and the City of Bonn, was able to achieve a wide reach and set thematic impulses.

Event series
The United Nations expect the global population to reach 9.8 billion people in 2050 – a number that exceeds the current world population with approximately 2 billion people. At the same time, researchers warn against the disappearance of natural resources, agricultural land, and fresh water. Our ecological diversity is in danger: Various species become extinct to an unfathomable extent. Droughts and extreme weathers force more and more people to leave their homelands and many-faceted, long-running conflicts subvert the stability of various nations. It seems that in all of these dimensions, critical points, where pragmatic programmes and solutions are not sufficient, are already reached or will be reached in the near future. In general, it will be necessary to walk new paths, paths that aren’t a continuous update or enhancement of former guidelines.
These questions are at the main focus of the upcoming event series “Die Welt im Wandel” in the winter semester 2018/19. Experts from science, politics, civil society, and development cooperation discuss different perspectives on key issues that unveil these problems. The event series encourages dialogue and discussion about answers to future questions, answers that we might have to reinvent or re-define.
The panels will be organised by the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (Unit for Strategic Partnerships) of the University of Bonn, the Liaison Office for International Academic Sciences of the City of Bonn, and German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ). The event series will be moderated by Ute Lange (i3kommunikation).
23.10.2018 |
AfrikaKeynote Speech: ● Dr. Prinz Asfa-Wossen Asserate Panel discussion: ● Prince Dr. Asfa-Wossen Asserate, Management consultant for Africa, bestselling author, political analyst |
05.11.2018 |
BevölkerungsentwicklungPanel discussion: ● Renate Bähr, Executive Director of the German Foundation for World Population (DSW) |
10.12.2018 |
Fragile StaatenWelcome remarks: ● Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn Panel discussion: ● Thomas Brillisauer, Officer, former military attaché in Central and West Africa |
15.01.2019 |
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit / Development CooperationInputs: ● Andrew Rogerson, Senior Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK ● Dr. Inge Kaul, Adjunct Professor, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin Panel discussion: ● Dr. Inge Kaul, Adjunct Professor, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin ● Andrew Rogerson, Senior Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK |
05.02.2019 |
LebensräumePanel discussion: ● Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun, Director, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Professor for economic and technological transition, University of Bonn |
The 2030 Agenda, our global agreement for the future, is universally valid for all countries in the world - for developing, emerging and industrialized countries. It lays the foundation for shaping global economic progress in harmony with social justice and the earth's ecological limits. It obliges us all to contribute. Because what we do in this country has a global impact, not only in terms of climate change and sustainable development, but also directly on people in other countries. The 2030 Agenda, with its 17 goals, is therefore both a promise and an obligation; it stimulates national and global discussions on development opportunities and resource distribution. In doing so, it takes states, business and populations to task and challenges them - also in light of a changing world order - to achieve their own development goals without losing sight of global justice issues.
With "Agenda 2030," the event series "Die Welt im Wandel" takes a look at the actors who are responsible for implementing the 2030 Agenda. Experts from science, politics, civil society and development cooperation will be speaking, critically examining the current state of implementation - including the many opportunities and challenges that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda brings with it. They will discuss to what extent this changes the priorities of state actors, what role science and the media play in the course of critical accompanying research and reporting, and how crucial international stakeholders influence whether the goals set are achieved or not. Last but not least, the lecture series encourages dialogue and discussion - also about the influence of the 2030 Agenda on the lives of each and every citizen.
24.10.2017 |
Fokus Wissenschaft: Beobachter und AnalystenWelcome remarks: ● Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch, Rector, University of Bonn Introduction: ● Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn, Scientific director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS), Potsdam Discussion: ● Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn ● Dr. Bettina Schmalzbauer, Director, German committee for research in sustainability in Future Earth, Stuttgart ● Adolf Kloke-Lesch, Executive Director, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany |
06.11.2017 |
Focus Global Player: The US and Climate policyPanel discussion: ● Chris Barrett, Executive Director Finance & Economics, European Climate Foundation, Brüssel/Berlin ● Prof. James D. Bindenagel, Center for International Security and Governance, University of Bonn ● Prof. Dr. Sabine Sielke, Director of the North American Studies Program, University of Bonn ● Mike Bonanno, Culture jamming activist, The Yes Men |
21.11.2017 |
Fokus Städte und Gemeinden: Global denken, lokal umsetzenPresentations and dicussion: ● Sabine Drees, Speaker, Deutscher Städtetag ● Dr. Ute Böttcher, Head of the Competence Centre, Department Governance and Conflict, GIZ ● Sègla Lihoussou, General secretary, Beninese municipalities association, via video recording |
12.12.2017 |
Focus Government: New ways of thinking and doing politics in Germany and partner countriesPanel discussion: ● Dr. Ingolf Dietrich, Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) ● Ned Sibeya, Acting Chief of National Development Advice, National Planning Commission, Namibia ● Ketevan Sarajishvili, Head of Public International Law Department, Ministry of Justice, Georgia |
17.01.2018 |
Focus Media: The Right of Access to InformationPresenations and Pandel discussion ● Quinn McKew, Deputy Executive Director, Article 19 ● Patrick Benning, Country Manager Myanmar, Deutsche Welle Akademie |
06.02.2018 |
Fokus Wir: Auf uns alle kommt esFishbowl-Discussion: ● Simona Constanzo Sow, Course-Coordinator, Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development, UNSSC |
In its third edition, the event series "Die Welt im Wandel" addresses the related, manifold visible implications from different perspectives. Together with experts from science, politics, civil society and development cooperation, it takes a look at different ways of dealing with the digital revolution and the resulting structural effects. We will discuss - particularly regarding international development policy - ways of accessing digital technologies and the associated opportunities. Furthermore, we will engage in a dialog about future developments, whose political and economic course is being set in our present time.
24.10.2016 |
Partizipativ. Inklusiv. Transparent: Entwicklung für alle durch Open Government?Panel discussion: ● Dr. Lutz Möller, Deputy Secretary General, German Commission for UNESCO ● Dr. Philipp Müller, Member of the Executive Board, Initiative D 21 ● Joachim Fritz, Head of Department Governance & Conflict, GIZ |
08.11.2016 |
E-skills for Women and Girls: Closing the gender gap in the digital ageWelcome remarks: ● Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz, Vice Rector for Information Technology and Knowledge Transfer, University of Bonn Introduction: ● Hans-Peter Baur, Sub-Head of Department, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development Vorträge & Diskussion mit ● Terry Reintke, Member of the European Parliament, Brussels ● Iffat Rose Gill, Founder "ChunriChoupaal - The Code to Change", Amsterdam ● Martha Chumo, Founder Nairobi Dev School |
05.12.2016 |
Digitale Innovation und soziale Partizipation in Nord und SüdIntroduction: ● Prof. Dr. Bettina Schlüter, Department Digital Society, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, University of Bonn Presentations and discussion: ● Steffen Leidel, Head of Digital & Knowledge Management, Department for Strategy & Consulting, Deutsche Welle Akademie ● Natascha Schwanke, Africa, Director of Media Development, Deutsche Welle Akademie |
15.12.2016 |
Un-/Sicherheiten des DigitalenPresentations and discussion: ● Prof. Dr. Michael Meier, Computer science department, University of Bonn; head of the Cyber Security Department, Fraunhofer FKIE ● Peter Schaar, Chairman of the European Academy for Freedom of Information and Data Protection (EAID), Berlin; former German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information |
10.01.2016 |
Digital. Mobil. Sozial: Praxis und Visionen der BerichterstattungPresentations and discussion: ● Julia Bernstorf, Deputy Head of Innovative Programming, Deutsche Welle ● Wilfried Runde, Head of Innovation Projects, Deutsche Welle |
19.01.2017 |
Zukunftsszenarien: Digitale Wirklichkeit in 20 JahrenDiscussion: ● Prof. Dr. Stefan Wrobel, Director, Fraunhofer Institute IAIS ● Prof. Dr. Bettina Schlüter, Department digital society, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, University of Bonn ● Björn Müller-Bohlen, Department digital society, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, University of Bonn |
A new, comprehensive global climate agreement (UNFCCC) is to be negotiated in Paris by December 2015, in which all parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change agree to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Each country is to make its own contribution to this.
At the same time, there is hardly any other topic where the supporting role of digital technologies and the function of computer simulations is so clearly evident. It is on the basis of these technologies that a global awareness of the dimensions and scope of this problem was first created. All this is a reason to think about the connection between digital transformation and climate change. The focus is on the question whether and to what extent digital progress in recent decades has promoted international commitment to climate protection; and with which additional data and knowledge climate adaptation and mitigation are debated and negotiated today.
These questions will be explored in the course of the lecture series.
21.04.2015 |
Eröffnung der Ringvorlesung● Prof. Dr. Bettina Schlüter, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft Bonn ● Nick Nuttall, UNFCCC Senior Management Communications and Outreach Aus der Zukunft Lernen: Simulationen in der Klimaforschung ● Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig, Director Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) |
05.05.2015 |
Climate Change and Digital Change: Impacts on Migration● Laura Thompson, Ambassador, Deputy Director General of the International Migration Organization (IOM), Genf |
19.05.2015 |
Klimainformationen: Wer bestimmt die Nachrichten?● Dr. Claus Kleber, Journalist and moderator ● Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wessler, Excecutive director, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, University of Mannheim |
02.06.2015 |
Digitale Partizipation: #climate change● Martin Fuchs, Policy & Digital Consultant, Hamburg |
07.06.2015 |
Cities as laboratories against the background of climate and digital change● Prof. Michael Batty, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London |
16.06.2015 |
Aus der Praxis: Wie sehen Klimaprojekte in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern aus?● Vera Scholz, Head of Department Environment and climat, GIZ |
30.06.2015 |
Internationale Klimapolitik: Verhandeln und Handeln● Ingrid Gabriela Hoven, Head of Department, BMZ |
The event series "The World in Transition: City of the Future" takes a look at urban structures and urban societies as dynamic ensembles and observes the interplay of multiple factors from both an international and local perspective. It traces social implications, encourages dialogue about concepts for the future and opportunities for civil society engagement, discusses the implementation of urban development measures, and identifies the opportunities and risks of urban transformation processes.
19.10.2015 |
Eröffnung der Ringvorlesung● Karin Kortmann, GIZ Internationale Entwicklungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsagenden - Städte als wichtige Akteure der Umsetzung? ● Monika Zimmermann, Deputy Secretary general, ICLEI ● Franz-Birger Marré, Head of Division, BMZ |
02.11.2015 |
Zuflucht & Ankommen in der Stadt - Beispiele aus der internationalen und deutschen kommunalen Praxis● Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, TU Berlin ● Prof. Dr. David Becker, SFU Berlin |
16.11.2015 |
Smart Cities ...... Auf dem Weg zu Habitat III ● Dr. Tania Rödiger-Vorwerk, Dep. Director General Environment and Infrastructure, BMZ ... Nachhaltige Energie und Mobilität für die Städte von Morgen ● Lorenz Petersen, Director Climate, Rural Development and Infrastructure, GIZ |
30.11.2015 |
Digitale Stadtgesellschaft● Prof. Dr. Bettina Schlüter, Director, Department digital society, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, University of Bonn ● Holger Hank, Head Digital Innovation & Knowledge Management, DW Akademie |
14.12.2015 |
Die Grenzen der Stadt - eine kulturwissenschaftliche Betrachtung● Prof. Dr. Christoph Linder & Dr. Miriam Meissner, University of Amsterdam ● Prof. Dr. Christian Moser & Dana Bönisch, University of Bonn |
11.01.2016 |
Bonn selbstgemacht. Lokale Praktiken zur Hervorbringung und Gestaltung des urbanen RaumesPanel discussion: ● Dr. Ansgar Klein, Managing Director, BBE ● Sascha Foerster, Managing Director,, BonnerBlogs ● Gesa Maschkowski, Bonn im Wandel – Transition Town Bonn ● Anna Wissmann, Ermekeilinitiative e. V. Ausblick Zukunftsstadt: ● MinDirig. Wilfried Kraus, Head of the Project Group Wissenschaftsjahr 2015 "Zukunftsstadt", BMBF |
13/04/2016 |
Science for Sustainable Development● Jörg Hinrich Hacker, President, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Germany Welcome Address: ● Michael Hoch, Rector of the University of Bonn Introduction: ● Dorothee Dzwonnek, Secretary General of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) Moderation: Kai Pfundt, GA Bonn |
25/04/2016 |
Extreme States of Matter on Earth and in Space● Vladimir E. Fortov (Russian Federation), President, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Russia Moderation: Gregor Berghorn |
17/05/2016 |
Meeting Food Security Challenges in the Face of Climate Change● Gebisa Ejeta (Ethiopia), Professor of Agronomy, Purdue University, USA Comment: ● Joachim von Braun, Director, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Moderation: Jasmin Fischer, GA Bonn |
20/06/2016 |
The Role of Science in Making the Sustainable Development Goals a Success (e.g. The Work of the South African National Biodiversity Institute)● Tanya Abrahamse (South Africa), CEO, South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), South Africa Comment: ● Maximilian Weigend, Director, Botanical Gardens, University of Bonn Moderation: Jasmin Fischer, GA Bonn |
16/04/2015 |
Never-ending story: Reforming the United Nations● Silke Weinlich, Senior Researcher, German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) |
07/05/2015 |
The United Nations at 70: A historical appraisal● Sir Richard Jolly, Honorary Professor and co-director UN Intellectual History Project, University of Sussex, UK |
28/05/2015 |
From the Berlin Mandate to a Paris Agreement?A brief history of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ● Steffen Bauer, Senior Researcher, German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Comment: Nick Nuttall, UNFCCC |
18/06/2015 |
Peacekeeping at the crossroads. Current challenges for the United Nations● Conrad Schetter, Director for Research, Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) ● Francesco Galtieri, Chief, Peace Programming Section, UN Volunteers (UNV) |
07/09/2015 |
Save the people and the planet: The quest for sustainable development goals● Jens Martens, Executive Director, Global Policy Forum (GPF) ● Christine Hackenesch, Researcher & Political Scientist, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik / German Development Institute (DIE) |
16/09/2015 |
New humanitarian actors and the UN● Dennis Dijkzeul, Professor of Organization and Conflict Research, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Comment: Karl-Otto Zentel, Secretary General and Board, CARE Germany-Luxembourg e.V. |
07/10/2015 |
After the Summit: Implementing the sustainable development agenda● Thomas Gass, Assistant Secretary-General, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) Comment: Imme Scholz, DIE |
15/10/2015 |
The emergence of the post-war international order and the idea of world society● Rudolf Stichweh, Founding Director, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft Comment: Dirk Messner, DIE |
05/11/2015 |
Fit for Purpose? The United Nations‘ role in the future we wantPanel discussion with: ● Jakob Rhyner, Vice-Rector in Europe, UN University (UNU) ● Richard Dictus, Executive Coordinator, UN Volunteers (UNV) ● Richard Kinley, Deputy Executive Secretary, Climate Change Secretariat ● Lutz Möller, Deputy Secretary-General, German Commision for ● Jürgen Zattler, Deputy Director General, German Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) Moderation: Monika Hoegen Welcoming addresses by ● Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch, Rector, University of Bonn ● Ashok-Alexander Sridharan, Mayor, City of Bonn |
12.11.2014 |
Digitale Gesellschaft: eine Kultur der Archivierung. Mikrotechnische Irritationen der GegenwartProf. Dr. Wolfgang Ernst, Humboldt-University, Berlin |
26.11.2014 |
Interprozesskommunikation – Szenarien für das 21. JahrhundertProf. Dr. Bettina Schlüter, University of Bonn |
03.12.2014 |
Zukunftststadt. Ein Expertengespräch zur Rolle digitaler Technologien im urbanen RaumParticipants from politics, business and science: Franz-Reinhard Habbel, Michael Lobeck, Simone Stein-Lücke, Sascha Foerster. In cooperation with Bonner Akademie für Forschung und Lehre praktischer Politik (BAPP) and Liaison Office International Academic Sciences of the UN City of Bonn.
10.12.2014 |
Unfolding GIS practices in cities: from geographic governance to citizen surveillanceProf. Dr. Karin Pfeffer, Universiteit van Amsterdam |
14.01.2015 |
Geteilt, anhänglich, riskant. Technisches Handeln zwischen Therapie und SelbstgestaltungProf. Dr. Karin Harrasser, Kunstuniversität Linz |
21.01.2015 |
Die Ökonomisierung der digitalen Gesellschaft. Transdisziplinäre Herausforderung und Chance für die MedienforschungProf. Dr. Stefan Werning, Universiteit Utrecht |
28.01.2015 |
Die Big Data RevolutionProf. Dr. Mayer-Schönberger, University of Oxford In cooperation with Liaison Office International Academic Sciences of the UN City of Bonn |
04.02.2015 |
Computersimulation als ErkenntnismethodeProf. Dr. Martin Warnke, University of Lüneburg |
Dialogue & Exchange
Beyond the topics covered by the event series, the Unit for Strategic Partnerships organised innovative, international conversation event formats and panel discussions. The emphasis was on questions of international cooperation as well as socio-cultural and media transformation. Among the highlights are the summer school "Reflecting Biodiversity", the symposium "Music/Listening: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" broadcast on WDR as well as the conference "OPEN South East Asia" or the roundtable in the context of the anniversary year of the University of Bonn.

Panel discussions, symposiums, conferences and workshops
How are education and society changing in the digital age?
Panel discussion in the context of the university's anniversary year:
What impulses can art and culture create on our way to a sustainable future?
Panel discussion at the Alte VHS as part of the exhibition "zur nachahmung empfohlen"
Seminar in cooperation with the German Commission for UNESCO
19. - 20.05.2017
Wissen ist Macht – Lightning Talks
Screening: The Borneo Case
Public screening of "The Borneo Case" on May 19th at the Bonner Universitätsforum.
Projekte, Akteure und Bewegungen. – Workshops
Regina Siegers, Andias Alam, Alexander Watson, Agnes Mainka, Tobias Siebenlist, Katsiaryna S. Baran
5. & 6.09.2015
Symposium as part of the Beethovenfest 2015
● Sam Auinger (composer and sound artist, Linz)
● Sabine Breitsameter (expert for sound and media culture, Darmstadt/Berlin
● Edwin van der Heide (Stadtklangkünstler Bonn 2015, Rotterdam),
● Alexander Kleinschrodt (musicologist and art historian, Bonn),
● Annelie Kürsten (musicologist and art historian),
● Peter Payer (historian and urban researcher, Vienna),
● Bettina Schlüter (musicologist ajd media theorist, Bonn),
● Hans-Georg Soeffner (cultural sociologist, Essen/Bonn)
● Manos Tsangaris (composer, artist and author, Cologne/Dresden),
● Nike Wagner (artistic director of the Beethovenfest Bonn)
Keynote: Elvira Espejo
Panel discussion:
Session 4 at the 1st International BION conference 2014: "Biodiversity today for tomorrow" BION-Panel: Societal (social, cultural, political) impact
Keynote: Alberto Acosta (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito / Ecuador)
Panel Discussion facilitated by: Bettina Schlüter & Björn Müller-Bohlen
Presentation by Nike Wagner, artistic director of the Beethovenfest Bonn
Special events
As an institution aiming for intersections, the FIW and its department strove to develop special event and communication formats and to create unique transdisciplinary links. On special occasions - such as the World Climate Conference 2017 - the Uni for Strategic Partnerships contributed projects and events with great impact.
Among other project, the Unit for Strategic Partnerships was a partner and host of the first editions of "Barcamp Bonn", supported the Socialbar Bonn events, hosted the presentation of the World Water Report 2017, was a partner of the "save the world" sustainability festival of Schauspiel Bonn and collaborated scientifically and artistically with the "Yes Men".

Barcamps, performances and special events
Short presentation on the experiences of the Federal Office of Justice in implementing the Network Enforcement Act.
Report on participation in the initiative "Tracking instead of just deleting"
Fake News: How do children become lie detectors? Presentation of the Lie Detectors media literacy project
The Yes Men gave a lecture performance "Beautiful trouble - inspiring interventions!" at the Bonn University Forum.
On the occasion of World Water Day on March 22, this year's United Nations World Water Report on "Wastewater - an Untapped Resource" was presented at the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft at the University of Bonn.
● Dr. Lutz Möller, Deputy Secretary-General of the German Commission for UNESCO.
Dr. Engin Koncagül, editor of the World Water Development Report.
● Franz-Birger Marré, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
● Neven Subotic, Director of the Neven Subotic Foundation, Professional footballer of 1. FC Köln
Representative of German Corporate Water Association (TBC).
14. 06.2015
Together with the Liaison Office International Academic Sciences, FIW organized an exhibition and event area for Bonn-based science organizations.
Three contributions, three formats, three Q&A sessions - the Socialbar Bonn on June 1st was all about innovative event formats where you can learn a lot: about successful failure, for example, about simple living or about new developments in the field of digital communication.
Moderator: Ute Lange
More than 160 participants gathered at the Bonn University Forum to exchange ideas on 'their' topics. FIW also organized its own session together with the Liaison Office International Academic Sciences of the UN City of Bonn: "Bonn. International & Nachhaltig. Was machen daraus?".
Save the World took place from October 3 - 5, 2015. The Department Digital Society set up a station as part of the course.