The conference is entitled “Regional and Local Responses to Global Refugee Movements: Contexts, Challenges, Solutions”. The Conference is organised in cooperation of the German Network of Forced Migration Studies with the collaboration project FFVT and the European Coalition of Migrants and Refugees (EU COMAR) and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The organization in Bonn is led by BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies) with support of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, the University of Bonn, the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft and IDOS (German Institute for Development and Sustainability) as well as the Bonn Initiative on Displacement and Migration Research.
10. Sommeruniversität für DAAD-Lektor*innen: Aushandlungsprozesse über Flucht und Migration weltweit: Fallbeispiele und aktuelle Debatten Die Sommeruniversität untersucht Aushandlungsprozesse im Kontext von Migration und Flucht. Sie konzentriert sich auf Themen wie Demokratie, Recht, Grenz- und Mobilitätskonflikte und zivilgesellschaftliche Konfliktlinien. Die ersten beiden Tage folgen einem Seminarformat mit Vorträgen und Diskussionen. DAAD-Lektor*innen und -Langzeitdozent*innen bringen ihre Erfahrungen ein. Die zweite Hälfte ist interaktiv und reflektiert die Rolle der Teilnehmenden. Eine abschließende Diskussion fasst die Erkenntnisse zusammen.
Invitation to the 3. Roundtable Forced Migration Studies on: "What moves Bonn? Exploring our City in the Context of (Forced) Migration” We, an initiative between the University of Bonn, the Bonn Centre for Conflict Studies, and the Bonner Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelles Lernen, cordially invite researchers from all disciplines and institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, non-university research institutions, think tanks), practitioners from NGOs, associations, policy or the city administration, and representatives of migrant communities to our Third Roundtable on Forced Migration Studies. In this roundtable, we will jointly explore the City of Bonn in the context of (forced) migration. Thereby, we are guided by questions such as: Which places and stakeholders are relevant for the migration context in Bonn? What current controversies are being discussed at the local level?
International Conference on "Agency, Analog Tabletop Role-Playing Games, and Asymmetrical Dependency" The "Bonn Lab for Analog Games and Imaginative Play" at the FIW, together with the BCDSS will host an international conference from May 24 to May 27, 2024.
Workshop zum Thema Environmental Storytelling / Ambient Literature. // Gastreferent:innen: - Dr. Stefan Geyer - Dr. Dana Steglich, Universität Mainz - Dr. Julia Mierbach, Universität Bonn - Dr. Eva Stubenrauch, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin // Hosts: Prof. Dr. Bettina Schlüter & Björn Müller-Bohlen