Bonn Lab for Analog Games and Imaginative Play
The Bonn Lab for Analog Games and Imaginative Play at the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft is an experimental laboratory for all activities related to (analog) games and play in a university context.
China in the Global System of Science
The Lise Meitner Research Group investigates China's social science structures, social norms, politics and international cooperation in order to understand its role in global science. It explores global knowledge production and local variations.
Navigating the Mediterranean: Search and Rescue Missions and the Dissensus on Democracy (ZivDem)
The ZivDem research group analyzes the discourse on civilian sea rescue in the Mediterranean and its implications for European democracy. Its work is funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation and the University of Bonn.
Reflexivity in (Forced) Migration Studies
The project examines reflexivity in migration research, promotes interdisciplinary cooperation, integrates different perspectives and methods and develops options for action for a constructive public discourse. The project is supported by the University of Bonn.
Rhine-Ruhr Centre for Science Communication Research
As part of a Volkswagen Foundation funding program, the "Rhine-Ruhr Center for Science Communication Research" was selected as one of a total of four centers for science communication research and was initially funded for a period of five years.
Sorting Decisions and Peer Processes in Schools - SPINS
School sorting practices shape students' social networks and identities, often creating disparities by gender, ethnicity, and social class. SPINS highlights the role of administrators' decisions on admissions and classroom placements in this process.
The Nursery as a Gender Political Module of the Workfare State of Functionally Differentiated Society: Assignment of Tasks and its Implementation
The project analyzes the gender-political role of daycare centers in the workfare state and the implementation of this role through federal programs.