Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW)
The Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW) is a central scientific institution of the University of Bonn, founded in 2012.
The scientific departments focus on the subject areas of Comparative Research on Democracies and Authoritarian Regimes, Science Studies and the Politics of Science, Comparatitive Research on Religions and Digital Society.
Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW)
FIW to go
Current News
New employee at the FIW5
Religious studies researcher Dr. Ramona Jelinek-Menke joined the Department of Religious Studies team on 1 March 2025.
Vitor Barros received scholarship6
In January 2025, Vitor Barros received a doctoral scholarship from the Gerda Henkel Foundation for his project ‘Ethnic differentiation and subtle racial animosity: Brazil (1887-2022)’.
Best Master Thesis 2023 in Sociology at the University of São Paulo7
Vitor Barros, FIW researcher, obtained the prize for Best Master Thesis 2023 in Sociology at the University of São Paulo.
New employees at the FIW: Kathrin Fischer and Lukas Boch as new researchers in the Department of Religious Studies8
Didactician Kathrin Fischer and historian Lukas Boch joined the Religious Studies team at the beginning of 2025.
Upcomimg Event
Roundtable zur Reflexivität in der Fluchtforschung10
09:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Am 14. Mai 2025 veranstaltet die *Bonn Platform (Forced) Migration Studies* den nächsten *Roundtable*, der sich wieder mit der in der Forschungscommunity ...
Auftaktveranstaltung der Vortragsreihe "Perspektiven der Moderne"11
Universitätsforum Bonn
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
"Cyborgs and Transhumanism: From Hindering to Promoting Factors of Rehabilitation for Inclusion. A Critical Perspective from Disability Studies"

Dahrendorf Library

The FIW owes the Dahrendorf Library, comprising about 7,000 books, to the donation of the widow of Ralf Dahrendorf. Since 2012, it can be found in the basement of the FIW.

Perspektiven der Moderne

›Perspektiven der Moderne‹ is the central scientific lecture series at the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft. Lectures take place on Wednesdays.


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Vacancies and internships

Here you can find current vacancies of the FIW. Additionally, the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft offers internship opportunities to interested students.

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