Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft

Vitor Barros

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Vitor Barros

Doktorand, Abteilung für Demokratieforschung


Heussallee 18-24

53113 Bonn

(José) Vitor Barros is a sociologist doing his PhD under the supervision of Rudolf Stichweh. He previously studied political science (with a focus on international relations), philosophy and sociology in São Paulo (Brazil), Coimbra (Portugal) and Bonn (Germany). He is currently a Guest Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen. Funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, his doctoral research focuses on the evolution of ethnoracial differentiation and animosity in post-slavery Brazil (1889-2022) to explain how subtle forms of ethnoracial tensions emerge and change in self-proclaimed pluralistic countries. His interests include ethnic studies, racism and anti-racism, theories of community and society, social theory, systems theory, and historical sociology. He resides in Kassel and abstains from stereotypical portrayals, despite his Brazilian heritage and inclination towards coffee and the great outdoors. 

You can find his ORCID profile here link1

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