Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft


Visa Network Data

Data base on international visa waivers (1969/2010). Please fine more information on the links below.

Download Visa Network Data_1969_2010

Data on international visa waivers (1969/2010).

You can download the data-set. If you want to use the data-set for further scientific analysis, please cite the following article:

Steffen Mau / Fabian Gülzau / Lena Laube / Natasha Zaun (2015): The Global Mobility Divide: How Visa Policies have Evolved Over Time, in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Online First Version (9. Feb 2015), DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2015.1005007.

For futher questions concerning the data-set, please contact Lena Laube (visanetworkdata@uni-bonn.de).

Visa-free travel to the EU in 1969 and in  2010

Source: Visa Network Data (1969/2010), own presentation

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