Universität Bonn

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft

Funded research

Funded projects in the Department for Comparative Research on Democracies

Here you can find a selection of currently conducted research projects in the Department for Comparative Research on Democracies, which are funded by various funding institutions.

Funded projects

  • Project members:

    Dr. des. Maria Ullrich1, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW)
    Dr. Lena Laube2, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW)
    Bahia Amellal, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW)
    Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter3, Bonn Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC)
    Maarit Thiem4, Bonn Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC)
    Dr. Sandra Gilgan5, Bonn Research Alliance (BORA)
    Jure Leko6, Bonner Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelles Lernen e.V. (BIM)

  • Project duration: 2024-2025 (12 Months)
  • Project funding: Transdisciplinary Research Area 'Individuals, Institutions and Societies' (TRA47) of the University of Bonn
  • Link to the project page8

Completed projects

  • Project management and editing: Eric Hendriks27
  • Project duration: April 2018-April 2020
  • The project was funded by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.
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